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How to Prevent Climate Change?

How to Prevent Climate Change?

Climate change shall not be considered a recent phenomenon. The climate started to change since the industrial revolution. The world is expected to experience a 1.5-degree Celsius increase in global temperature by 2050. However, the world is determined to prevent climate change and restore the livable environment for human beings. The goal is very simple. Carbon Dioxide emission is the real reason for climate change. It is emitted when fossil fuels such as oil and coal are burned to gain energy. By decreasing the use of fossil fuels and other potential gases, we can fight climate change. Here are a few ways to prevent climate change.
  • Renewable Resources of Energy:
Several countries are producing energy by burning fossil fuels. These resources shall not be used in the presence of renewable resources. Such energy can be produced by resources such as solar, wind, biomass, biofuels, and oceans, etc. On a smaller scale, bring appliances that consume less energy. The efficient use of energy has been characterized as a low-cost method to fight climate change.
  • Effective Food Consumption:
Food processing requires a lot of energy. Almost 40% of food is wasted alone in the USA. The less food you waste, the more energy you are saving.
  • Stop Deforestation:
Deforestation has been considered one of the reasons for climate change. Carbon Dioxide – a reason for climate change – is absorbed by trees. When there are fewer trees, more carbon will be disturbing climate change.
  • The Population Control:
Overpopulation has also become a threat to climate change. The globe is threatened by increasing population in terms of space and resources. The food supply increases with the population surge. Effective control of the population can also prevent climate change.
  • Means of Transport:
In our daily lives, we use different means of transport. Many of us use private means of transport. Public transport shall be used instead of private vehicles. Moreover, if it is necessary to use private vehicles, use ones which are powered by electricity.
  • Plastic Usage:
Plastic usage shall be decreased. In this regard, these steps can be taken.
  • To carry things, use a cloth bag which can be recycled instead of polythene.
  • Use glass, clay, stainless steel, and copper bottles instead of plastic bottles.
  • Use steel lunch boxes.
  • Unplug Your Devices:
The devices which you are using right now to read this article possess a rechargeable battery. We use electricity to charge these devices. Once they are charged, many of us leave the plugs switched on. This leads to a continuous flow of energy, which goes in vain. Be careful and switch off the chargers as soon as devices are charged. 
Bottom Line:
Governments are taking new initiatives every day to stop climate change. You might think about what you can do in an individual capacity. Well, there is a lot you can. First of all, speak to your friends and family and emphasize different ways to curb climate change. You can reduce water wastage, use public transport, use solar means of energy, avoid wasting the food, and plant more trees among many methods of fighting climate change.

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