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Why Is Planting Trees Essential for Climate Change?

Why Is Planting Trees Essential for Climate Change?

For decades, climate change has been on the front pages of newspapers. Since then, climate change has changed the world in a very different way. Nature has reacted strongly against the anti-environmental activities of human beings. For example, water resources are drying up; oceans experience intense and disastrous hurricanes; the population is affected at a larger scale and thus, displaced.

The UN’s body “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” (IPCC) has reported that global warming is likely to experience an increase in temperature up to 1.5 °C between 2030 and 2052. Comprehensive action is required by the comity of nations to reduce global warming and decrease the effects of climate change. So, the question arises as to how to tackle this phenomenon. Researchers and environmentalists have suggested several ways to control climate change. And, interestingly, tree plantation has been considered the cheapest and biggest way of tackling CO2 to save humans, and importantly save the planet.

You might be aware of the working mechanism of trees in handling the threat of climate change. They absorb and store carbon dioxide – responsible for climate change – which is emitted due to human activities. In return, trees exhale oxygen – helpful for human beings. The real issue is of adjusting carbon dioxide, and trees are playing their role. Various researches suggested that if trees are planted worldwide, they can handle two-third of carbon dioxide emissions. 

Scientists provided a rough calculation of the number of trees that ought to be planted. Excluding all the fields where crops grow, and urban areas, it is found that almost 1.7 billion hectares remain without any tree. Almost 1.2 billion trees can be planted on this land. In certain areas, trees can be sparse, and in others, abundant trees can be planted. For example, tropical regions would be covered by almost 100 percent trees, while other areas would be hosting fewer trees due to certain factors. However, nearly half of the land would be covered by trees. 

Why To Plant Trees?

Tree plantation can tackle climate change in several ways, which are discussed below. 

  • Carbon Absorption:

Humans' activities release carbon dioxide, which is absorbed by trees. It is estimated that a mature tree can absorb 48lbs of carbon per year. In return, the oxygen produced by a single tree can help 4 people to breathe.

  • Floods and Hurricanes:

Roots of mature trees are penetrated deep into the soil. When these trees are planted on banks and coastal areas, they can prevent flooding in adjacent areas. The land which does not wear the crown of trees exposes itself to land erosion. The trees keep the soil integrated. Therefore, tree plantation can handle the floods and hurricanes from destroying adjacent land. 

  • Desertification and Tree:

Apart from the countless benefits of trees, its shade alone can help humanity in tackling environmental issues. The shadow of trees can keep the land moisturized. One of the effects of climate change can be desertification, and trees are there to handle it. The land where trees are planted cannot dry up. 

Bottom Line:

Tree plantation has been considered the cheapest way to tackle climate change. Before the industrial revolution, the trees existed, and humanity breathed a safe and fresh air. The revolution described above brought with it several inventions and environmental issues as well. Tree plantation can reverse the threat.

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