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Plantation of Trees Is One of the Effective Ways to Reduce Climate Change, What Else?

Trees have been considered a solution to climate change. All the countries around the world have emphasized the importance of planting more trees. Nonetheless, that campaign presented an optimistic solution to save mankind from global warming. But, is tree plantation enough to fight climate change? What about other ways of reducing carbon emissions? Shall they, too, be considered or let the global citizens appease themselves with the only solution of tree plantation? This article will explain why tree plantation is not a panacea against climate change.

Curbing the Root Cause of Climate Change
Excessive consumption of fossils fuels has resulted in climate change. The best solution to fight climate change can be to keep the fossils in their original geological condition. It cannot be a great idea to dig them out, burn them, and then try to capture the carbon dioxide through trees. The studies which advocate the idea of tree plantation on a massive scale have revealed that trees will capture 205 metric gigatons of emissions.
On the other hand, it is also estimated that better management of refrigeration compounds can reduce 22 matric gigatons of gas emissions. That seems less than the carbon trees are supposed to capture, but it is only one way. Several others should be considered.

Tree Plantation On All Estimated Areas Is Not Possible
It was estimated that almost 0.9 billion hectares of land could be used for tree plantation. In 2011, Germany presented the Bonn Challenge, whereby 350 million hectares of tree land was to be restored by 2030. Several countries are performing their part, but there exist some threats too. Planting trees in areas – that are not adjustable for them – can lead to misplaced flora. The local ecosystems will be disturbed, water resources are likely to get dry, and such areas will be prone to forest fires.

It Would Take A Long Time Before Trees Get Mature Enough 
The massive scale forestation can be useful, but a tree takes time to grow mature enough to absorb carbon on a massive scale. Trees shall be planted, of course, but other methods of fighting climate change shall also be availed. Dependency on trees alone can lead to severe climate issues.

The Restoration Plans
As mentioned earlier, trees are being planted in several countries under programs such as the Bonn Challenge. Countries that are a signatory to them have initiated the work. But the problem is the restoration of these artificial forests. They are economy oriental – means they will be harvested after due time. This can release more carbon into the atmosphere than they were supposed to capture.

Economic Effects 
All the studies have not looked into the economic effect of planting billions of trees. If these plans are enforced, the tree count on tropical and subtropical zones is likely to increase up to 227 million hectares. As mentioned earlier, these plants are supposed to be harvested. As a result, wood and paper prices are likely to drop. So, this can affect the economy of certain countries too.

Bottom Line
Tree plantation shall be considered as one option among many to fight climate change. Neither people shall be appeased by the idea that forestation alone is the solution. The major solution is to curb carbon emissions.

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